"(they were) uncertain, untripid, possibly immortal, decidedly in love"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Nine Loves

Nine Loves
1. My puppies...alright...more like Grandpa Otis and Grandma Bailee
2. Honesty, makes life so much easier!
3. Starbucks, true addict.
4. Knowing that I'll be in COLLEGE next month, finally. It's a good feeling after being off of school for a year and a half.
5. My family's recipe for brownies. Top secret dontchya know ;) (but maybe not so much the feeling after I eat them...)
6. Keith's freckles
7. Mom's face when I pretend I'm about to smack her. Okay, that sounds a little violent, but I never actually hit her. Her face is just too funny to not pretend...
8. Lindsay's boobs
9. Tattoos!

Okay, so if anybody reads this blog besides Lindsay, you won't understand #8. It's a family thing.

1 comment:

  1. ahahaha OMG I am totally laughing right now!!!!! :) :)
    glad Tony isnt the only one who loves my boobs LOL
    Moms face is hilarious when you raise your hand. I can picture it now :)
    Yay for you going to school!!!!!!!!!
