"(they were) uncertain, untripid, possibly immortal, decidedly in love"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

So, since I'm not in school quite yet I have a lot of free time on my hands lately so why not join in on these blogging games...thanks Linzoid!


1. I'm a pen stealer
2. Sometimes, I snoop into people's showers to see what kind of shampoo and conditioner they use..weird?
3. I always look to see if someone has a ring on their finger.
4. I'm still afraid to hang my feet off my bed in that off chance that the monster underneath will get hungry and grab me!
5. I'm stuck between Journalism and Fashion
6. If I could, I'd be covered in tattoos.
7. I could eat cereal, scratch that, In n Out for every meal.
8. I miss Santa Barbara
9. I'm afraid I won't be successful.
10. I hate HATE hate bugs. Ew.

1 comment:

  1. OMG you are weird about the shower thing LOL
    Cereal and In N Out...so nutritous :)
    You will be successful as long as you consider yourself successful. It isnt what others consider successful, its what YOU consider successful! :)
