"(they were) uncertain, untripid, possibly immortal, decidedly in love"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Warms the Heart

Today may not be a love letter kind of day, but it is a this-warms-my-heart kind of day. Do you ever get that warm fuzzy feeling inside? You know, that one that you feel from your toes to your nose? Those are the best feelings ever. Am I right or am I right?

A few that give me the tinglies...

  • Drinking warm coffee/tea on a rainy day not having a single thing to do except listen to the rain. I truly do believe it's one of nature's most beautiful gifts.
  • When Keith kisses me forehead
  • Reading books that make you rethink your life, not the typical love stories. Don't get me wrong though, there are definitely some Romance novels that make me want to hop right into the book.
  • Walking into Mom's house and smelling the latest Yankee Candle she has. (currently Pumpkin Pie for fall!)
  • Anna's Bakery Chai Tea Latte (oh how I miss you Santa Barbara...)
  • Christmas morning
  • Christmas night
  • The feeling of knowing you're loved
Those are just a few of my favorite things. I personally believe that you should get the tinglies every day! And if you're not, it's time for a change because life should always excite you. Of course you're going to get those days where it seems it will never end, it's called being human. But you should also feel ALIVE. Find those things that excite you and cherish them. Find those people who gives you the tinglies and never let them go. Relive the memories, but also make new ones. It's important to smile.

"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile."

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! I agree, even though life gets tough we still gotta see the good. There is usually good in everything...just gotta be optimistic :)
    Kisses are the forhead...so cute :)
    Love Christmas time!!! We better be together!!!
