"(they were) uncertain, untripid, possibly immortal, decidedly in love"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Nine Loves

Nine Loves
1. My puppies...alright...more like Grandpa Otis and Grandma Bailee
2. Honesty, makes life so much easier!
3. Starbucks, true addict.
4. Knowing that I'll be in COLLEGE next month, finally. It's a good feeling after being off of school for a year and a half.
5. My family's recipe for brownies. Top secret dontchya know ;) (but maybe not so much the feeling after I eat them...)
6. Keith's freckles
7. Mom's face when I pretend I'm about to smack her. Okay, that sounds a little violent, but I never actually hit her. Her face is just too funny to not pretend...
8. Lindsay's boobs
9. Tattoos!

Okay, so if anybody reads this blog besides Lindsay, you won't understand #8. It's a family thing.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

So, since I'm not in school quite yet I have a lot of free time on my hands lately so why not join in on these blogging games...thanks Linzoid!


1. I'm a pen stealer
2. Sometimes, I snoop into people's showers to see what kind of shampoo and conditioner they use..weird?
3. I always look to see if someone has a ring on their finger.
4. I'm still afraid to hang my feet off my bed in that off chance that the monster underneath will get hungry and grab me!
5. I'm stuck between Journalism and Fashion
6. If I could, I'd be covered in tattoos.
7. I could eat cereal, scratch that, In n Out for every meal.
8. I miss Santa Barbara
9. I'm afraid I won't be successful.
10. I hate HATE hate bugs. Ew.

Warms the Heart

Today may not be a love letter kind of day, but it is a this-warms-my-heart kind of day. Do you ever get that warm fuzzy feeling inside? You know, that one that you feel from your toes to your nose? Those are the best feelings ever. Am I right or am I right?

A few that give me the tinglies...

  • Drinking warm coffee/tea on a rainy day not having a single thing to do except listen to the rain. I truly do believe it's one of nature's most beautiful gifts.
  • When Keith kisses me forehead
  • Reading books that make you rethink your life, not the typical love stories. Don't get me wrong though, there are definitely some Romance novels that make me want to hop right into the book.
  • Walking into Mom's house and smelling the latest Yankee Candle she has. (currently Pumpkin Pie for fall!)
  • Anna's Bakery Chai Tea Latte (oh how I miss you Santa Barbara...)
  • Christmas morning
  • Christmas night
  • The feeling of knowing you're loved
Those are just a few of my favorite things. I personally believe that you should get the tinglies every day! And if you're not, it's time for a change because life should always excite you. Of course you're going to get those days where it seems it will never end, it's called being human. But you should also feel ALIVE. Find those things that excite you and cherish them. Find those people who gives you the tinglies and never let them go. Relive the memories, but also make new ones. It's important to smile.

"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh, E.E. Cummings

I Carry Your Heart With Me
-E.E. Cummings

I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(anywhere I go, you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate
(for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world
(for beautiful, you are my world, my true)
And you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing, is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.

I carry your heart
(I carry it in my heart)

This is a classic. When I think of E.E. Cummings, this poem comes to mind. It's so simple yet so beautiful. It carries a beautiful secret. I love the way he describes her. "And you are whatever a moon has always meant, and whatever the sun will always sing, is you". Exquisite.

To me, Cummings is stating that his love is deep, so true, that he takes "her heart" with him wherever he goes. He wants her to be a part of his everything, his world. He doesn't fear of a life without her, because he knows that she is his life, his fate.
And to my favorite part of this poem...."for beautiful, you are my world, my true". Where are you E.E. Cummings? If these words came out of any man's mouth, he will surely win his lady's heart. How could you deny such sweet words?
To be someone's world, to have someone's love, would be such an impeccable feeling. Even thinking about it gives me the goose bumps. I have a quote that relates to this.
"The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being"
It's true, giving someone that much love is making them irreplaceable. They, from that point when you know that you are so utterly and completely in love with them, hold a place in your heart where no other can enter. It's a sacred place, just for the one you love. You may experience more than just that one love, you may not. But even if you do, it doesn't lessen the love you have in your heart. Your heart can grow and grow and give and give more love than you know, you just have to allow it. No one ever died from a broken heart, life does go on. And you will love again. But if you loved that person, don't regret it. Don't hide that place in your heart that you know you will always have for them, because at one point you and your loved one were happy TOGETHER, and that's never something to be ashamed of. The best way to heal from a broken heart (in my opinion), is to learn from it. Take the good from it, and place it in that heart of yours to remember your love by. And the bad is what you learn from.
Every change in your life, whether it be a broken heart, a different city to live in, or even a stranger you smile to on the street, is an opportunity for you to grow into the person you were made to be.

"Change is the essence of life; be willing to surrender who you are for what you could become"